Auditing – WSUD and Waterways
Optimal Stormwater have the capability and equipment to audit waterways, ponds, wetlands, biofiltration and other water sensitive urban design assets. Much of our auditing of ‘structural assets’ requires visits to waterways so we value add our work with observation and recording of issues noted within waterways, ponds and biofiltration.
With increasing urbanisation waterways, creek and constructed WSUD assets are under enormous pressure and need to be audited, monitored and rectified if the intended environmental benefits are to be realised.
We have adopted the latest guideline for auditing of biofiltration including soil sampling and hydraulic conductivity (hc) testing. Our hc test rigs are setup within the filter and results used to calculate and report filtration rate.
Soil sampling is conducted and lab analysis and varying layer depth taken to understand the migration and capture performance for target pollutants. Improvements for the filter including amelioration of soils, landscape maintenance and flow management and improved gross pollution controls are reviewed.
Beyond this detailed analysis using the OEH creek rapid assessment methodology can be carried out and environmental health reported. Water quality (physical and chemical) are conducted. Creek stability, erosion hot spots and risk to utilities and private property are also on the radar during the audit.