GPTs, Trashracks, WSUD, Stormwater Harvesting

This has many benefits for customers in that it reduce the need to multiple stakeholder involvement and simplifies procurement and delivery. Most contractors are not interested in providing this important service.

Optimal have the requisite quality assurance, occupational health and safety procedures and training such as confined space, first aid and white cards to deliver minor construction and rectification works. For GPTs and trashracks works of this nature range from lid raising or replacement, screen repairs or replacement, inlet clearing or adjustment, safety fencing and exclusion bars installation, safety audits, driveways and step irons, etc.

For stormwater harvesting works include parts replacement, housekeeping, and electrical works, plumbing and fitting services.

We have successfully delivered over 150 rectification projects significantly improving the performance of GPTs, trashracks and stormwater harvesting projects. These projects are very rewarding as they have a great benefit cost outcome. We are industry leaders in auditing of treatment devices, and rectification works. When 90% of devices audited have issues Councils great outcomes can be delivered for very little cost using Optimal. Given an audit is only required once each decade the benefits are long lasting.